Insurance Professionals

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Your clients place many demands on you to provide meaningful, comprehensive, and cost efficient benefits to their employees. You know that is just the tip of the iceberg.  Below the surface lies the often arbitrary and seemingly capricious whims of carriers, who present a complex array of policy language, paperwork and practices that inevitably send patients screaming back to their employers – and then to you – to provide explanations, compassion, understanding and, most of all, resolution to their problems.  That means swift and full payment.

You and your staff may lack the expertise, time and tools necessary to cope with client demands in this area. In a highly competitive environment, they may seek solutions elsewhere. Why make such a decision necessary?

Medical Appeal Experts employs experienced medical and insurance professionals to alleviate your problem at a modest fee. We offer four basic services:

Don’t Be Denied

  1. Materials for consumers in how to partner with their medical providers for better insurance outcomes and enhance understanding of the often arcane process of claims payment.
  2. Training for your staff to make them both better informed and better able to be advocates for your clients, helping them navigate the complicated waters they face, particularly with complex claim situations.

MAE At Your Side

  1. Medical: Doctors don’t always have sufficient time to engage with their patients, particularly with regard to serious or chronic claims. Our medical staff provides the necessary time to patients, identifying the key clinical factors present necessary to include when launching an effective appeal along with step-by-step guidance up to and including writing the appeal letter.
  2. Insurance: We provide, with the help of our medical support staff, information and assistance in filing effective claims appeals – and we see it through to the end.

Let us help you help your clients as medical service consumers. We can make you more effective and make your clients better appreciate the support you provide them along with the myriad other communication services and market review you routinely perform. Why not complete the picture and include comprehensive service support as part of the package?