You spend a lot of money to ensure your employees feel safe, secure and substantially covered in the event of a serious illness or injury. What about the cost to your corporate culture and community reputation when a claim becomes complicated, or worse, is simply denied?
Medical Appeal Experts provides you tools to improve understanding, and thus appreciation, of the value of your health insurance. When problems arise, we provide considerable expertise and strategic solutions to secure collaboration between patients, providers and payers, moving the needle from denial to approval.
“Don’t Be Denied” is the name of our education series.
MAE At Your Side: Our medical staff provides the necessary time to your clients, identifying the key clinical factors present necessary to include when launching an effective appeal along step-by-step guidance up to and including writing of the appeal letter.
“My Personal Advocate” is the name of our service that provides one-on-one guidance to patients provide guidance for patients through their healthcare journey. See for further information.
Don’t let your investment be devalued. Let us help you help your employees to reap the benefits they have been promised, and show that someone cares at a time when they most need professional attention.